Seal Point Siamese Cats Hypoallergenic

That said seal point Siamese cats are not recommended for people with severe allergies.
Seal point siamese cats hypoallergenic. Traditional Siamese have a rounded body and apple-shaped head. Generally there are three types of Siamese cats. It was the Seal point color that was called royal and Sealpoint Siamese cats have been faithful companions of royal families for many centuries.
The siamese is the original seal point cat that has become an important breed since ancient history. Interestingly in Siamese cats this is temperature sensitive in that it works more effectively in warmer parts of. There is some debate about whether they are officially considered part of the siamese.
No cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic but siamese cats are more so than most because they have short fine fur. The inhibition of pigment formation is called albinism. The siamese cat is considered a hypoallergenic cat.
The tortoiseshell version of lynx points is relatively rare and therefore you may need to pay even more for them. Are Siamese cats hypoallergenic. Owning lynx point Siamese cats wont cost you too much.
Often referred to as the longhaired siamese the balinese looks like an unlikely candidate for a hypoallergenic cat breed. Seal point cats have dark brown almost black markings and the color of the belly and chest is of the lightest shade. Mirjam Kessler of Blue Moon Cattery in Auw Switzerland.
Many cat fanciers believe that the original siamese cats were seal points. The reason why Siamese cats appear white is because they possess an allele which is a variant of a gene that codes for a specific trait that inhibits pigment formation. The reason behind this is that Siamese cats produce minimal Fel d 1 protein.