Droncit For Cats Spot On

Droncit Spot On for Cats.
Droncit for cats spot on. Worms in cats can be a big problem but they dont have to be. Upon applying the liquid onto the nape of his neck yes I must admit Oreo looked quite comical attempting to lick the solution off. Description of Droncit Spot-On - Cats.
The product is also effective against Echinococcus multilocularis. Droncit Spot On For Cats helps in eliminating tapeworms within a few hours of administration. As it is a Spot-On treatment it is applied directly to the skin taking away the difficulty of feeding your cat a tablet.
A single application of Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats effectively kills all forms of common UK adult tapeworms living within the gutu00A0 Specifically formulated with cats in mind Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer targets both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms in cats Fuss-free worming u2013 say goodbye to tablets with an easy to use spot-on application Vet. Droncit Spot On For Cats is a tapeworm treatment designed specifically for cats. Droncit Spot-On is used for the treatment of tapeworms in cats.
A single application of Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats effectively kills all forms of common UK adult tapeworms living within the gut. It is an effective spot-on that works against mature and immature forms of Dipylidium caninum and Taenia species. On a serious note this product worked very well.
One pack will treat two cats of average weight. This treats tapeworms and protects the cats from diseases caused by tapeworms. A clear colourless to slightly reddish solution for spot-on use containing 20 mg praziquantel per.
It treats tapeworms and protects cats against effects of tapeworm diseases. A single application of Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats effectively kills all forms of common UK adult tapeworms living within the gut. Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats from 1kg Pack of 4 is for the treatment of tapeworms in cats.